Category Sport

Nauru Featured on ITV News


We’re fast becoming a semi-regular feature when it comes to appearing in British media with the prospective upcoming games against Reading XL being a real excitement generator among English football fans in particular. Manager Kitsons vision coming to life…. In…

Nauru vs Reading XL

Nauru vs Reading XL

It’s not official yet but according to reports from BBC in England, it will be an overweight team from Reading taking on Nauru in their first ever competitive game. Manager Kitsons vision coming to life…. Nauru manager, Dave Kitson, has…

Inside The Nauru Training Camp

Nauru Training Camp

The Nauru Soccer Federation will host a training camp on the island this year as they begin building Nauru’s very own football culture. Leading that build is the countries Technical Director Charlie Pomroy who will also accompany team manager and…

Road To Affiliation: Part One

Road To Affiliation

The journey has already begun as Nauru embark on what is being described as mission impossible as they bid to become a FIFA Affiliated Member. Taking into account that the tiny Micronesian island has never even played a football match,…