Nauru Soccer Federation February Update

Well it barely feels like yesterday that we finally did the handshake that started the Nauru Soccer Federation, but amazingly we are now hitting our third month.

And while things might have seemed a little quiet on the western front over the last few weeks, in fact there has been a lot going on behind the scenes.

New Nauru Kit and Logo

Firstly we would like to reach out and say thank you to the many people who have reached out and offered not just support, but their services in designing logos, shirts and the like for us.

And it is in this area where we actually have a little bit of news. We have now reached a deal with a shirt manufacturer who is busy designing a new logo, as well as kits for the Nauru national team. All being well we sincerely hope to have a teaser of some description this week, as well as shirts for sale by the end of the month.

Summer training camp in Nauru

Perhaps most importantly though we have made progression with regards to the most important aspect of the project and indeed what the shirt sales will be used for and that is developing soccer within Nauru.

The current plan is for this to happen over the month of July in Nauru with myself, joined by Coach Charlie Pomroy, as well as a filming crew from Pioneer Media. Noo doubt Bayview and the Menem will be getting some new regulars.

We are also currently talking to and as yet unnamed ex-EPL start to come and be our coach.

The plan is then to follow the camp with the first ever 11-a-side, as well as Futsal matches for Nauru taking place. Yes that is right, the last UN member nation to ever play a match will, we hope finally occur.

In the meantime we sincerely hope that all our current and potential fans remain patient and supportive as we drive this project forward.