Official Launch of the Nauru Soccer Website

We are pleased to announce the official launch of the Nauru Soccer Federation website, hot on the heels of an awful lot of media surrounding our formation.

You can read some of the articles about us herehere, and here.

The journey so far…..

Since the announcement of the formation of the Nauru Soccer Federation (NSF) things have been moving at breakneck speed, with us already having fans send us ideas for logos, kits and the like, as well as numerous offers of help and support.

From a practical side we have also hired our first national coach, with an ex-Premier League star on course to be named our national manager in due course.

On a more practical side we have also been in talks with kit manufacturers about creating the first Nauru jerseys, which will be sold in order to raise funds for our first training camp this July.

Said training camp is being planned in order to help train the next generation of players that will not only help make our first national team, but also hopefully help spur growth and interest in the sport throughout Nauru.

The Nauru Soccer Association Website

The function of our new website is quite simple, namely being to give information about who we are and what we do, but also and perhaps more importantly announce news as and when it happens.

With this site we will be able to make official proclamations from the NSF thus avoiding false news and rumours, as previously occurred with the “fake Nauru league”.

Most importantly though perhaps is that its will give us a way to connect with fans both in Nauru and internationally as we begin the long, but hopefully rewarding journey of setting up a soccer dynasty in Nauru.

So, for now keep an eye on the page and feel free to get in touch with us via Facebook, our contact page or at